Project designation
Project Code: CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-015260
Main Objective: OT 3 - Strengthen competitiveness of small and medium enterprises
Intervention region: Center
Start date: 2016-03-30
Completion date: 2019-03-29
Total eligible cost: 1.419.839,57€
Financial support from the European Union: 856.517,70€
Brief Description of the Project:
The business activity carried out by Sabril falls within the scope of the extractive industry, in the non-metallic mineral resources sector (industrial rocks subsector), with the object of processing, processing, commercial exploitation and marketing for the construction and public works industry and for the processing industry of washed sands and crushed products of a siliceous nature.
Sabril's main objective is the extraction, processing, marketing and distribution of the ores extracted from the concessions in operation, particularly with regard to sand, pebbles, gravel and kaolin.
The main objective of the present project is to increase production capacity with a view to:
i) differentiate the Company's current product portfolio by developing new products with higher added value;
ii) enter new, more demanding market segments such as sanitary ware, utilitarian and decorative ceramics, glass production, shale oil extraction and drainage;
iii) progress in the value chain;
iv) increase competitiveness and start approaching, through own brand, external markets (namely Egypt, Spain, Italy and Turkey).